Migration guide

To 2.2#

Use the new @UseCaseKey decorator#

If you are using the Archimedes cache link you will need to add this decorator for all use cases:

export class GetTodosQry extends Query<Todo[]> {}

Also you will need to change the references of your cache invalidations.

To learn more about cache move to arch cache section.

To 2.0#

Change @EvictCache decorator to @InvalidateCache#

export class FooQry extends Query<number> {}

Links are async now#

If you have any custom link you should change your next method to return a Promise now.


import { BaseLink } from '@archimedes/arch'
export class CustomLink extends BaseLink {
next(context: Context): void {


import { BaseLink } from '@archimedes/arch'
export class CustomLink extends BaseLink {
async next(context: Context): Promise<void> {
await this.nextLink.next(context)

Options to CacheManager and NotificationCenter#

Archimedes 2.0 adds options to CacheManager and NotificationCenter, so maybe you would need change the way to instance it.

An example of Angular provider injection change:


{ provide: CacheManager, useClass: CacheManager },
{ provide: NotificationCenter, useClass: NotificationCenter }


{ provide: CacheManager, useFactory: () => new CacheManager() },
{ provide: NotificationCenter, useFactory: () => new NotificationCenter() }

Runner is deprecated#

Now you should use Archimedes class to create the chain of responsibility:

import { Archimedes, LoggerLink, ExecutorLink } from '@archimedes/arch'
async ngDoBootstrap(applicationRef: ApplicationRef) {
const loggerLink = this.injector.get(LoggerLink)
const executorLink = this.injector.get(ExecutorLink)
Archimedes.createChain([executorLink, loggerLink])